7 Tips for moving forward in the intense energies

August 24, 2012
Hi beautiful ones

This aritcle offers a checklist for anyone feeling the very intense energies at present. You'll also receive information and a discount $50 offer on my new "Breakthrough to Clarity, Direction and Peace of Mind" 4 week intensive Program. I've created this get you back on track if feeling uncertain, fearful, insecure even depressed in the current powerful energies. Click for the article
Click on this link  Values workshops to know more about two workshops on September 13th and 16th that will also assist you.
Blessings of love and joy

Two Meditation Programs to support the energy shifts

July 22, 2012

Meditation seems to be an essential tool this year in managing the powerful waves of energy. Check out my new meditation program for individuals as well as " Food For The Soul" groups beginning August 9.  Focus is on "Connecting
to your love, light and power"  blessing of love and joy

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July 2012 - Embracing the Feminine Within

July 17, 2012
July 2012 focus is on a continuing theme for humanity - rebalancing the feminine and masculine energies. It highlights understanding what this means and why it's important.  It's time to reflect on your inner balance of masculine and feminine
and the mirrors in your life showing up as your own truth.  Click here to view

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June 17, 2012
Hi Beautiful ones

I'm hearing from many who aren't sure what's happening and why, with the current energies. I've summarised this with some tips for riding the big waves of energies, in this article.

Blessings of Love and Joy, Carolyn-Ann Cini

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Release limiting programmes from childhood New! “Age Access” Energy Balance From Rekindled Ancient Wisdom

March 26, 2012

Free yourself from childhood programmes that limit your quality of life and achieving your goals

Hi Beautiful Ones

I’ve just completed level 10 of the Rekindled Ancient Wisdom Energy Balance trainings.  There are now over 30 balances to offer you in total, and each training has taken the healing to even deeper levels.  I’m excited and amazed at how simple yet profound the releases are in the new “Age Access” balance.  How beautifully we manage to deny or discount the obvious childho...

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Feeling a tad irritated, frustrated or even angry more than usual of late? Read on

February 20, 2012
Hi beautiful ones

In case you're feeling a little more prone to irritation, frustration even anger lately, I hope this article may help.  Read about Managing Your Anger and anger in the environment.

Blessings of love and joy

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NEW YEAR –endings, new beginnings, time for reflection

December 30, 2011

The New Year offers a sense of a fresh start.  The good news is that there is a new optimism for visions that you may have struggled to manifest in 2011 as the planetary energies support expansion and forward movement (Christmas day, Jupiter and Mercury began to move forwards). Time to clear the slate and move into 2012 with clear direction and focus.

I share here a practice that I do each end of each year. It allows me to move forward, refreshed and rea...
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December 15, 2011

The celebration we call “Christmas” can mean many things.  Perhaps it’s a time you’re connecting to family, gathering in person or when you feel the absence of family.  I lived in Washington D.C. for 9 years and and at Christmas especially my thoughts turned to family.  We missed celebrating with both my family ( in Australia) and my husband’s family (Italy).

The emotions can be charged at this time for many reasons.  Our preparations for Christmas ...
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New! Energy Balance on Love from Rekindled Ancient Wisdom

December 1, 2011

CODE to "Divine Love"  
                    For more information on sacred art for healing

What limits you in love ?

"Love" is a word charged with many meanings depending on the individual.  It's many expressions include kindness, generosity, deep intimacy or romantic encounters.

This LOVE balance seeks for you to attain balance in the purest of the various love energies or "vibrations" - that of
unconditional love.

Unconditional love is love freely offered from yo...

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New! Money Energy Balance from Rekindled Ancient Wisdom

November 30, 2011

Reprogram your relationship to Money. Release limiting patterns.

How do you limit the flow of money in your life?  

Do you overspend?
Are you in a cycle of debt?
Do you never seem to have the money to do as you want?
Are money and financial stress affecting you relationships?
Do you feel you deserve more than you are getting?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is at least one program about money tucked away in your energy field that is impacting your life in a destructive way...

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About Me

Carolyn-Ann Life "Soul" Coach, Akashic Soul Records Healer, Energy Balancing using Multidimensional Kinesiology - "Rekindled Ancient Wisdom", Wisdom Teacher, Sacred Artist, Sound and Angelic Spirtual Healer, Principles of Co-Creation